Peace Lily & Dancing Shiva
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The one who has seen me [Jesus] has seen the Father.
*Gospel of John 14.9
Could it be Jesus was saying, also, "So, when you see anyone, you see the Father. Seeing you, I see the Father, too."?
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A man asked the Sage, "Can you tell me what you think about God?" "Yes," said the Sage. "Obvious."
*Brian K. Wilcox. "Meetings with an Anonymous Sage."
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A man longed to see and hear God. He went to a hilltop. He pleaded with God, "Speak to me!" A bird sang. Disappointed, he begged God to speak, and all he heard were children playing in the distance. "Please, God, touch me!" he shouted, and the wind blew across his cheek. Still dispirited, the man prayed, "God, show yourself to me!" A butterfly flew across his path. He gave up. He got home, convinced God had deserted him. His daughter ran out to greet him. He still believed and felt God had left him.
God is the One seeking us; Goddess is That appearing. One sees and is gladdened, thankful. The other seeks to see and keeps seeking to see. But how to see? To end seeking? Is there any how?
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Possibly, children teach us the most about seeing. Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, found a little boy. She took him into her house to bathe him. During the bath, she talked at length to the boy about God. Suddenly, the door opened, and Charles, Myrtle's husband, stood there. The little lad's eyes opened wide, and he asked, "Is that God?"
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Where do we see God? We could easily and wisely inquire, "Where do we not see God?"
God sees us in our seeing. God is the seeing. We can cease seeking. The arising of God seeing in our seeing ends seeking.
How can we find what is already given, what was and cannot be lost? We cannot find it, only find we do not need to find it.
How can I say "Love me," if I am already loved, unless "Love me" is Love's prayer... Love praying?
God is obvious. The challenge is to release all your prior ideas of what God is and would appear to be. Then, you can recognize God. In trying to see God as you think God, you see God but do not recognize that you see God.
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We are inside God's Story, all a part of Goddess Herself playing hide-n-seek with Herself, so us. So, already seeing, we can play the game of not-seeing; then, what we have already seen can be found again, and we can rejoice at the finding. But what happens when you awaken to the game going on, witnessing it, so no longer hypnotized by and inside the game?
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*©Brian K. Wilcox, 2023
*Use of photography is allowed accompanied by credit given to Brian K. Wilcox and title and place of photographs.
*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse.